Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pastor Appreciation Month, part 1: Dale Brooks

October is Pastor Appreciation Month. You didn't know that? Maybe you would if you went to church. Why don't you come with me next week and see the man I'm talking about here.

Dale Brooks is the Senior Pastor at Avalon Church. I've been attending Avalon for a little over two years and I can honestly say that I love him, and he loves me right back. He exudes the joy of the Lord and you can't spend a minute with him without smiling. Just prepare to be hugged if you happen to wander within reach of him.

When I started attending Avalon, I used to take my notes from the service and compare them with my "old school" upbringing, my KJV Bible, commentaries, and whatever other theological resources I could find looking for ways he was liberalizing or diluting the message. Basically, I was looking for a reason to stop going. And in all that time I never found one. Pastor Dale loves the truth of Scripture, and that's what he preaches. It's been very exciting to see the church grow both in number and in spirit under his leadership.

Even in the face of great personal tragedy I never saw Pastor Dale's faith dim or even flicker. He truly is one of the rocks upon which the church (in both senses) is built. Avalon has grown to the point that total weekly attendance is now around 800 people, and I swear he knows every person's name, and their children as well. It is simply inspiring to watch him in action.

I went to see Pastor Dale for counseling almost two years ago, when I was experiencing an overpowering sense of insignificance, as I was approaching age 40 and didn't feel my life had amounted to very much. He gave me one of the greatest lessons I've ever learned that night. "Don't attach too much significance to significance," he told me. Just love God, study His Word, pray, and look for opportunities to serve. Significance will come on its own. And look at me now - less than a week from launching my life group, and I got you to read all the way to the bottom of this entry. So, how's that for significant?

Thank you, Pastor Dale, for being like a big neon arrow pointing to Jesus. I appreciate you greatly.

1 comment:

  1. Matt, You are a soilder for Christ! What a great testimony to your Christian walk and love for our pastor. I am so glad to have met you at manALIVE. Thanks for giving props to our very own pastor Dale at Avalon Church. We are blessed to have a pastor that opens the WORD each Sunday. May that never become dull to our ears. God bless you and look forward to hearing about your life group meeting.
