Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pastor Appreciation Month, part 3: Dustin Janney

Dustin Janney is the "Worship and Youth Pastor" at Avalon Church. This means he is in charge of all the music at church and is also responsible for the middle and high school ministry at the church. I heard a rumor a while back that Dustin had been asked to pick just one of these jobs to do, as he was so overworked trying to do both. Apparently whoever asked him that is still waiting for a decision.

Dustin is one of the most unassuming, charming, "aw shucks ma'am" southern gentlemen you could imagine - until he picks up his guitar and starts to sing. Then it's all passion and power. You'd never think that someone as soft-spoken as him could belt like he does until he goes and does it. I've often said that Dustin and Ross Fengfish (our extremely talented piano player) could sell a million albums if they wanted - but then they'd have to go on tour and I wouldn't get to hear them every week. So never mind.

I may not like or agree with all the choices that Dustin makes with the music at church (that's because I'm an old stick in the mud when it comes to contemporary Christian music) but there is no doubt that he believes every word he sings with all his heart. He is a fantastic embodiment of Psalm 57:7-11.

So no matter what the kids in 220 might say about you, Dustin, you're not a dork. You're a valued and appreciated member of my church family.

Also, his wife is hot. I know I'm in trouble for that, and she just might die from embarrassment, but I dare anyone to disagree with me.

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